In August of 1956, a small group of boaters met in Allen Park to discuss the formation of a club which would promote affordable family boating and comradeship. Shoreline Boat & Ski Club was organized and its first project was the construction of a launching ramp at the west end of the park in 1957.
In 1959, the club purchased more than 1,000 feet of frontage along the Fox River at its present location. A lagoon was dug and members constructed a large launching ramp at the same time.
A concrete block building was erected by members in 1960, complete with kitchen, bar, washrooms, and an impressive clubroom with a fireplace. In 1962, the size of the lagoon was doubled to accommodate more boats.
In the early 70’s the then existing bar was expanded from an “L” shape to a horseshoe type bar. Central air conditioning, thermo pane windows and wood paneling were also added during this time period.
As the club grew, space was inadequate and membership began planning construction of a sizable addition in 1980. Once again our aggressive members went to work and by 1983 the present clubhouse was completed. A new bar, restrooms and showers were added. In 1985 and in 1986, the launching ramp was rebuilt and a seawall was installed between the clubhouse and the lagoon. As of 1988, the club now has newly remodeled and more efficient kitchen. Scherer Island was purchased by the Club in 2002. A large walk-in cooler was added during the winter of 2003.
In 2012, extensive remodeling included concrete floors, a new bar, block walls, elevated electrical, and a new hot water heater. Also added was a service bar and the kitchen was given a makeover. Handicap bathrooms were installed according to current code. All the helped to  make the club easier to clean after floods.
Through the years we have had many members who can look around with pride at their many accomplishments. Many work hours have been contributed to build and help maintain this beautiful club which is active all year round. In addition to boating, the club hosts many function throughout the year including fish, steak and chicken fries as well as private function for our members and their families.
More improvements are planned to keep our outstanding club and what is stands for alive and working for present and future members.

Officer’s List…………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Present & Past Commodores…………………………………………….…………………………….4
Roster……………………………………………………………………………………………………...5 – 12
Widow or Widower ……………………………………………………………………………………….12
Honorary ………………………….……………………………………………………………………………12
Associate Members ……………………………………………………………………….………..13 - 14
Special Members ..…………………………………………………………………………………….…..14
Memorial and Memories ……………………………………………………………………………….16
Clubs on the Illinois River ……………………………………………………………………………….17
Club Mileage Chart ………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Gas Stops ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….19
Constitution & By-Laws ……………………………………………………………………….....20 - 32
Lagoon Rules …………………………………………………………………………………………..33 – 37
Sponsors …………………………………………………………………………………….37 – Back Cover
Commodore                                                    Wayne Eichelkraut
Vice Commodore                                            Dave Baxter
Secretary                                                         Michele Armstrong
Treasurer                                                        Barb Foster
Membership                                                   Jim Stalker
Recreation                                                      Committee
Clubhouse                                                       Ryan Crum
Clubgrounds                                                    Robert Doc Koppen
Lagoon                                                             Ralph Conrad
Island                                                                Ryan Garzanelli
Ripples                                                            Jessica Crum
Wayne Eichelkraut                                                    2012 – Present
Frank Less                                                                   2006 – 2012
Bill Jones                                                                     2003 – 2005
Wayne Eichelkraut                                                        1987 – 2002
Joe Walkey                                                                              1986
Ken Douvia                                                                              1985
Charles Kackert                                                                       1984
Charles Alderman                                                                   1983
Dale Madden                                                                          1982
Charles Alderman                                                                   1981
Dale Madden                                                                          1980
Joe Walkey                                                                  1978 – 1979
Ken Douvia                                                                              1977
Charles Alderman                                                       1975 – 1976
Sam Moreno                                                                           1974
Charles Alderman                                                       1972 – 1973
Harry Spradling                                                                       1971
Ken Douvia                                                                              1970
Jim Ostrem                                                                  1968 – 1969
Ken Douvia                                                                              1967
Harry Spradling                                                                       1966
Harry Wallem                                                                         1965
Less Riggs                                                                                1964
Clarence Stiles                                                                        1963
Norman Johnson                                                         1961 – 1962
Joe Armstrong                                                                         1960
Keith Chapman                                                           1958 – 1959
William (Rocky) Roth                                                              1957
Less Riggs                                                                                1956
Millie Johnson             1961                Anita Mason                1998
Beulah Streicher         1961                Iva Price                      1998
Bud Walker                 1963                Robert Morgan           1998
Eleanor Cahall             1968                Barbara Walkey          1999
Florence Cinnamon     1969                Eva Williams               1999
Mark Prestholt            1971                Robert Bostick             1999
Jack Price                    1971                Steve Rock                   2000
Leslie Riggs                 1972                Roy Mason                  2001
Clarence Stiles            1972                Charles Alderman       2001
Olla Stiles                    1972                Donald Abernathy       2001
Francis Beaulieau        1973                Chad Jones, Jr.            2002
William E. Niccum       1974                Barry Sanders              2004
James Stevens             1975                Bonnie Ostrem            2005
Norman Johnson         1977                Lavern Larson              2006
Gloria  Morgan           1978                Maribeth Radtke         2007
Lydia Kackert               1979                Dave Brown                 2008
Phyillis Santschi           1979                William Bunch             2008
Les Williams                1979                James Newman           2008
C.J. McDonald             1980                Eileen Clark                 2009
Tim Woosley               1982                Don Liepold                 2009
Dick Hetherington       1982                Jeff Radke                    2009
Roy Codo                     1983                Lee Walkey                  2010
Bernie Rentz                1984                Chuck Kackert             2011
Al Kackert                    1984                Bill Arnold                   2011
Phyllis Alderman         1987                Bill Fuller                    2012
Clarence Wyeth          1988                Kara Bault                   2012
William Rocky Roth     1988                Doug Churchill            2012
Carl Anderson             1989                Dick Donnocker           2012
Dr. Donald Murdock   1989                Rick Drackley              2013
Ben Hettel                   1989                Ken Sparks                   2013
Francis Beaulieau        1991                Sue Less                       2013
Edith Leipold               1992                Bob Weber                  2014
Phil Link                       1993                Joe Walkey                  2015
Harold Leipold             1994                Rodney Barsztaitis      2015
Ed Stojak                     1996                Barb Lawry                  2016
Florence Larson          1997                Mike Allen                   2016
                                                                                             Jim Yasm                        2016
                                                                  Harry Clark                    2016
                                                                  Ken Keller                      2017
Mile Marker
212                  Alton Motorboat Club
163.4               Detweiller Yacht Club
167.7               East Peoria Boat Club
121                  Havana Boat Club
196                  Henry Board Club
179                  Holiday Harbor Boat Club
278                  Ilinois Cruisers Yacht Club
167.9               Illinois Valley Yacht & Canoe Club
274.5               Joliet Yachting Club
251.8               Mariner’s Yacht Club
71                    Naples Mile “66” Boat Club
153.5               Pekin Boat Club
163.7               Peoria Boat Club
239.5               Shoreline Boat & Ski Club
222.2               South Shore Boat Club
218.5               Spring Valley Boat Club
234.6               Starved Rock Yacht Club
325.9               Temulac Boat Club
167                  Those Guys Boat Club
275                  Three Rivers Yacht Club, Inc.  
                        TRN Club
251.8               Twin Harbor Yacht Club
165.3               Wharf Harbor Yacht Club
232.4               Wide Waters Yacht Club
Northbound                                       Miles                          Marker
Marseilles Lock                                     6                               244.5
Seneca                                                 13                               253.0
Morris                                                 24                               263.5
Desden Island Lock                             32                               271.4
Brandon Road Lock                             47                               286.0
Lockport Lock                                      52                               291.0
Lake Michigan                                     89                               333.4
Southbound                                       Miles                           Marker
Starved Rock Lock                                 8                               231.0
LaSalle-Peru                                        17                               223.0
Spring Valley                                       21                               218.5
Hennepin                                             31                               207.5
Henry                                                  43                               196.0
Lacon                                                   50                               189.0
Chillicothe                                           60                               180.0
East Peoria                                          78                               163.0
Peoria Lock                                          82                               157.8
Pekin                                                   87                               153.0
Havana                                                120                              120.0
Beardstown                                         152                                88.5
LaGrange Lock                                    160                                81.8
Meredosia                                           169                                71.8
Naples                                                 174                                65.5
Florence                                              184                                55.5
Kampsville                                           208                                32.0
Hardin                                                 218                                21.5
Pere Marquette Park                          233                                  7.5
Grafton Mississippi River                   240                                  0.0 
Mile Marker   City                             Name                                      324.6     Chicago                       Skipper Bud’s River City Marina*
277.9               Channahon                  Big Basin Marina*
274.8               Wilmington                 Three Rivers Marina Service*
273.7               Wilmington                 Harborside Marina*
251.8               Seneca                         Springbrook Marina*
247.5               Marseilles                   Snug Harbor Marina
242.0               Ottawa                        Heritage Harbor
233.5               Ottawa                        Starved Rock Marina*
222.0               Peru                             South Shore Boat Club
218.5               Spring Valley               Spring Valley Boat Club
196.1               Henry                          Henry Harbor
178.6               Rome                           Hamm’s Holiday Harbor*
169.5               Peoria Heights             Seaway Marina*
168.2               Peoria Heights             Illinois Valley Yacht & Canoe Club
165.3               Peoria                          Wharf Harbor*
163.9               Peoria                          Detweiller Marina
163.7               Peoria                          Peoria Boat Club
153.0               Pekin                           Pekin Boat Club
 88.1                Beardstown                 Beardstown Marina*
  7.2                 Grafton                        Pere Marquette State Park
    .3                  Grafton                        Marina Junction
*Denotes repair facilities also available.
ARTICLE I.  Name and Location
SECTION 1.  The name of this organization shall be the SHORELINE BOAT & SKI CLUB OF                           OTTAWA. ILLINOIS.
SECTION 2.   The Club shall be located at Green Street, Ottawa, Illinois 61350.
SECTION 3.   Burgee. The Club burgee shall be black with gold trim and gold lettering.
SECTION 4.   The lagoon, being a part and parcel of this Club, will in its entirety belong to the Club. All dues and assessments collected by the lagoon committee will be turned over to the general fund per Acticle VII, Section 5 of the By-Laws (duties of the Treasurer) (3/14/76).
 ARTICLE II.  Objects
SECTION 1. The object for which the Club is formed is (a) to promote and forward all activities pertaining to water sports (b) to promote sociability with the purpose of fostering close relations with fellow sportsmen and (c) to stimulate and encourage good moral and constructive entertainment.
ARTICLE III.  Membership
SECTION 1. Any person owning a boat and residing within a Fifty (50) mile radius of the Club (3/6/2021), whose character and reputation prove to be satisfactory, are eligible for membership upon submitting a membership application to the membership committee chairman. They in turn submit said application to the Board of Directors. When said application is approved by the Board, it is to be posted on the Club bulletin board for at least two weeks prior to the Club meeting. A vote of sixty percent (60%) of the ballots cast by attending Club members at a regular meeting shall constitutes acceptance by the Club (5/7/88).
A. WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Shoreline Boat and Ski Club of Ottawa, Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the Club, that it attract and receive into membership persons whose character, reputation and interest in belonging to and participating in the activities of the prospering boat club is of the highest caliber that can be attracted to the retained in this Club as members, and,
WHEREAS, it is desirable that candidates for membership and as many of the existing Club members in good standing as possible meet and become acquainted before said candidates are voted upon by membership, in order that each member has sufficient opportunity to determine to his/her own satisfaction the qualities of the candidate for membership prior to casting his/her ballot and,
WHEREAS, many members of the Club have expressed their reasons for casting a negative ballot on a candidate as being they do not know or have not met the candidate.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to provide an opportunity for candidates for membership and as many as possible of the existing Club members in good standing to meet and become acquainted, that the following procedure be adopted by either amending the Club By-Laws in the prescribed manner or as a matter of recorded policy:
1. That no person shall be considered a candidate for membership until he/she has          submitted an application form along with required fees for initiation membership.
2. That the candidate shall be at two regular meetings prior to the meeting at which his/her acceptance or rejection by the Club will be voted upon.
3.  That the candidate shall relate to the membership his/her address, vocation, name, type and size of boat, his/her reasons for applying for membership and what he feels he can contribute to the Club if he is elected to membership.
4.  That at the next regular meeting following the second meeting at which the candidate has been introduced as described above, the candidate shall be voted upon by the Club membership but that the candidate shall not be present at the meeting which the casting of the ballots for his/her acceptance or rejection for membership into the Club (10/1/71).
B. The above acceptance shall be considered a temporary approval to remain in effect for twelve (12) months. At the end of twelve (12) months, paid membership shall be voted upon by the Club membership at the regular meeting for final approval of said members.  The paid members shall not be present at the meeting. A vote of sixty percent (60%) of the ballots cast by attending Club members at a regular meeting shall constitute acceptance by the Club. (11/5/93), 01/02/15.
SECTION 2. All applicants for membership in the Club shall be made in writing, endorsed and approved by the membership committee, and dated on approval (3/5/22).
SECTION 3. Any person, who shall be rejected by the membership committee, shall be notified in writing by the Secretary within ten (10) days after the meeting at which his /her name has been brought up for approval. The membership committee shall consist of four (4) member appointed by the membership chairman.
SECTION 4.  All new members must attend a meeting to receive their membership card.
SECTION 5. Any son or daughter of a member, married or single, upon reaching the age of 21, and before reaching their 26th birthday, who wishes to become a member of Shoreline Board & Ski Club, shall make an application to the membership chairman and be passed on by the Board of Directors. The initiation fee shall be waived for anyone becoming a member under this section. All other fees will apply as in By-Laws Article 1. Section 1 (3/4/89).
SECTION 6. The membership shall be closed at total of 115 memberships excluding those on leave of absence, widows, widowers, and those declared on honorary status. Applications for membership will be accepted but admitted only by the withdrawal of a present membership. The Board of Directors shall determine the order of priority of the pending membership applications on file (11/7/83) (4/5/02).
SECTION 7. Upon acceptance of a person and/or family for membership by the club membership they will join the Lagoon. Failure to do so will terminate their Club membership. (11/3/90).
SECTION 8.  Should a perspective member be voted out after their year probation or be removed from membership due to discipline. It would require one year (365 days) before one could ask to become a member orbe reinstated through the membership process
ARTICLE IV.  Officers
SECTION 1. The Club shall be governed by the Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Membership Committee, Chairman of the Program Committee and four (4) Directors, the Directors elected for three (3) year terms expiring on successive year.

SECTION 2.  The aforesaid officers shall be elected and hold office for one (1) year. The term of one (1) year shall not relieve them of the responsibility of helping the officers who have been elected to replace them, until the new officers are familiar with the duties of their office.
SECTION 3.  The aforesaid officers shall automatically become the Board of Directors.
SECTION 4.  Any voting member shall be eligible for elections to an office of the Club providing he attends at least fifty percent (50%) of the Clubs regular meetings during the year previous to the year for which he seeks office. If an office of the Board is not filled at election time, becomes vacant due to death or a member vacating, the board of directors may solicit names and fill the vacancy by a single majority vote of said members voting at a regular board meeting.
ARTICLE V.  Meetings
SECTION 1. There shall be a regular meeting of the members of the Club on the first Friday, Saturday, or Sunday of each month or the second Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and special meetings as provided in the By-Laws. A quorum shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the membership (3/6/93).
SECTION 2. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held during the first regular meeting of the month of December.
ARTICLE VI.  Amendments
SECTION 1. Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be made by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the votes cast by a regular meeting of the members provided the same has been proposed in writing and written notice thereof mailed or emailed by the board to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting (10/3/92) (02/04/05).
SECTION 2.  Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws for the same Article or Section can only be made and voted on, once in a twelve month period (2/7/2003).
Article I. Dues
A. Annual dues for an active membership is $450 plus a $50 lagoon fee, to be paid in lump sum or in four (4) installments. First installment of $125 to be paid by January 31st, Second installment of $125 to be paid by March 31st, Third installment of $125 by May 31st, & Fourth installment of $125 by July 31st. (05/07/14).
B. A voting membership will be issued upon acceptance of new membership (in accordance with Article III, Membership, Section I Constitution) of the annual dues of $450 plus a $50 lagoon fee, plus a membership initiation fee of $100, a lagoon initiation fee of $25. A special assessment fee of $500 to be paid in full or quarterly installments of $125, the first payment is due three (3) months following acceptance into membership and every three (3) thereafter until paid in full. Work hours must be completed for the first three (3) years of membership. Members cannot pay work hours assessment until their fourth (4th) year of membership. If work hours are not completed at the end of any one of the first three (3) years of membership, the member(s) will automatically be expelled. On applications dated after June 30th, the annual dues will be prorated with 15% due for each month or part thereof remaining in the calendar year. The date the application is approved by a vote of the membership will determine the date of the membership. Any voting member shall be eligible for election to an office of the Club in accordance with Article IV, Section 4, (officers) of the constitution. (03/06/12), (05/07/14)
SECTION 2.  All dues and assessments shall be waived during the period an active member is in the service of the United States. This waiver shall continue in effect until the beginning of the next fiscal year after said member’s separation from military service.
SECTION 3.  No application for membership shall be considered unless the application is accompanied by the full amount to the membership.
SECTION 4.  Three negative votes shall declare the rejection of an application for the membership by the membership committee or board of directors.
SECTION 5.  Divorce of Members in a Membership
   A. When a membership is split because of divorce, each of the persons involved is to pay $250.00 special fee: to pay the assessment of a new membership.
   B.  If one of the persons involved in the divorce does not wish to establish a new membership, then Sec. 5a, 5d, 5e, 5f, do not apply.
   C.  If a person remarries after paying such a special fee, he or she will not be responsible for such a fee again. The spouse that he or she marries will be responsible for $500.00 special fee if the marriage fails and the spouse wishes to establish a membership.
  D.   Special fee must be paid by the New Year’s dues: January 31 following the divorce.
  E.  The divorce decree may stipulate the responsible party’s payments as long as the payment is made in accordance with Sec. 5d of Article I.
  F.  Docking space and dock of the persons involved in the divorce will be decided in the divorce decree if both parties decide to establish their own membership (1/4/94)
            Article II. Resignations, Expulsions and Suspensions
SECTION 1.  Resignations must be made in writing to the Secretary and acted upon by the board of directors.
SECTION 2.  The board of directors by a majority vote of those members, at a regular board meeting shall come to a recommendation to censor, suspend or expel any member for conduct unbecoming a lady or gentleman, or implication in any occurrence detrimental to the good order, peace or welfare of the Club, or variance with its by-laws of rules. This action shall be acted upon by the membership at the first club meeting after the board meeting.
    A.  Any member accused and brought before the board of directors for disciplinary review under SECTION 2, shall be afforded the right to face the person or the persons bringing charges or those charges shall be dropped at the board meeting. The member shall also be afforded the right to have testimony given on his behalf by club members at the meeting (11/7/2003).
SECTION 3.  Dues are due and payable January 1 of each year. Members whose dues are in arrears after February 1st shall be considered dropped out (11/3/90).
SECTION 4.  A member who lets his or her membership expire shall pay all dues and assessments. They will then become eligible to apply as a new member. (5/3/86).
SECTION 5.  Failure to pay an assessment or other charges where a time limit is designated shall constitute a member not in good standing. Such a member is automatically expelled from the Club (10/3/92).
Article III.  Assessments
SECTION 1.  Special assessments shall be levied by the board of directors only if it finds it indispensable. The amount of the assessment shall be decided by the board of directors and presented to the membership for a vote. Passage shall require a majority vote of the attending members of the meeting. All members are to be notified ten (10) days prior to the meeting and may vote by a letter to the Secretary (10/3/92).
SECTION 2.  Each membership is required to put in a total of twenty (20) hours per year on Club projects; with the exception of, if you have 25 years of service you would no longer have to record your work hours (nor do you have to pay for them) (1/9/03).
A.  Each membership is required to work 20 hrs per year on different jobs to keep our club looking good and a place to be proud of. Five (5) hours will be required to be worked at a money making function. There are 14 money making functions sponsored by Shoreline listed on the IRBBA calendar. These include the fish, steak, and chicken frys.  The remaining 15 hours to be covered by chairing parties, stocking the bar, mowing grass and all the other jobs to keep Shoreline Boat Club the best on the river!  05/06/16 
 B.  All work must be approved and recorded on the date that the work is performed by a board of directors or chairman of that detail.
  C.    An assessment of twenty five dollars ($25.00) per hour will be charged for each hour of work not performed. Individual exceptions must be voted on by the body at the regular meeting (11/03/90), (05/04/01), (11/05/04).  
  D.   Any person joining the Club through marriage shall use the date of marriage as the first day of membership regarding work hours. Work hours to be performed by the member or immediate family members, i.e.: sons, daughters, or significant others (boyfriend/girlfriend) with the exception that there is to be no handling of money by anyone except the member (5/6/94).
  E.   An assessment of ten dollars ($10.00) per week will be charged to the members who allow grass to grow over the length of 6 inches under boat trailers on Club property. Club ground chairman and committee will oversee and make decision (7/7/95).
  F.    Any person abandoning a boat on Shoreline property, to be determined by the board of directors, shall have 30 days after receipt of registered letter from the secretary stating abandonment, to remove said boat from premises or be subject to a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) per week fine (7/7/95).
  G.  All fines adding up over time must be posted on the bulletin board to allow the member knowledge of the violation, fine and costs, on a week to week basis.         (01/05/12.
                   Article IV.  Order of Business Meetings
SECTION 1.  The regular order of business shall be observed unless waived by a majority of the members present.
   1.  Roll Call
   2.  Reading of the minutes of previous meeting
   3.  Reading of communications of interest to members
   4.  Treasurer’s Report
   5.  Reports of officers and committees
   6.  Lagoon Business
   7.  Unfinished Business
   8.  Island Business
   9.   New and miscellaneous business
  10.  Election
  11.  Adjournment
SECTION 2. Robert’s Rule of Oder shall govern the meetings when not in conflict with the By-Laws of the Club.
SECTION 3.  Special Meetings may be called by the Commodore or the board of directors, or at the request in writing of ten (10) or more of the members in good standing.
SECTION 4.  A majority vote shall carry on all matters, unless otherwise provided.
SECTION 5.  Expenditures of Club funds by the directors in excess of $100.00 shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members in good standing present at the regular meeting. All funds allocated by a vote of the membership shall be expended within one year of approval, unless it is an ongoing project requiring more time to complete. If the project and funds are needed after that period of time, it will require the approval of the membership. (2004)   
SECTION 6.  There will be no smoking permitted during meetings (11/3/90)
SECTION 7.  There will be no alcoholic beverages allowed in meetings where Club business is being conducted.
Article V.  Nominations and Elections
SECTION 1.  Nominations will be made from the floor of the meeting.
SECTION 2.  Elections will take place at the regular December meeting.
SECTION 3.  Officers will take new offices at the first regular meeting after the election.
SECTION 4.  Nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be deemed elected.
SECTION 5.  Voting will be in form of secret ballot.
SECTION 6. An active member who has not served on the board of directors for at least one full year cannot be eligible to run for the position of commodore (04/05/10)
Article VI.  Visitors and Guests
SECTION 1.  Any member in good standing may bring a guest. No member shall be allowed more than two (2) guest at one time.
SECTION 2.  Names and addresses of all visitors shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose. Members are at all times responsible for the action of their guests.
SECTION 3.  This applies to the Club parties or entertainment or to private parties given on Club premises.
SECTON 4.  Private Parties held on Club property (6/1/85) (5/2/2003);
    1. The Back Room shall be the responsibility of the Clubhouse Chairman or the Commodore. They have the right to delegate responsibilities as deemed necessary.
       2.  Applications to use the back room must be filled out and signed. Two checks must be attached to the application one for the Back Room Rental in the amount of $50.00 and one for $150.00 to be used as Clean-Up charge if the Back Room is not cleaned up to the Club Standards within 24 hours, or before the next scheduled function, whichever comes first. The $150.00 Clean-Up charge will be returned to the applicant if clean-up standards and time frame are met. Applications must be posted on the Bulletin Board upon approval.
    3. The Back Room will be used primarily by Club members and their families. The term Extended Family is defined as father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter. A Club member of the family holding the event must host the event. The club member host must be present at all time during the event. 
       4.  It is not the intent of the Club to serve as an all-occasion banquet hall open to the public. However, the Club may consider applications for events from various civic, youth, charitable or boating relate organizations represented and submitted by a Shoreline Boat Club member. These applications will be reviewed by the Board, and, if approved, be presented to the general membership at eh next regularly scheduled meeting for approval. If the event is approved, the Shoreline Boat Club member representing the organization shall be in charge of the Back Room during the event and shall be present at all times during the event.
       5.  As has always been the practice of Shoreline Boat Club, special consideration shall be given to Club members in the event of a death in the family. If available, the Back Room may be used by the decedent’s family at no charge. Set up and clean up for this type of event shall be arranged by the hosting Club member.
      6.  Alcohol served shall be purchased through the Shoreline Boat Club Bar. The member renting the room shall make arrangements for bartenders. Either the Member or Members themselves shall bartend or make arrangements for another Member to tend bar for them. Non-Members are not allowed behind the bar.
SECTION 5.  There will be no borrowing or removal of Club equipment from Club property.                                     (01/99)
Article VII.  Duties and Powers of Officers, Chairman and Directors
SECTION 1.  Commodore  -  The Commodore shall reside at all meetings of the members and board of directors shall be executive officer of the Club. In case of his/her absence, his/her   duties shall be performed by the Vice-Commodore. The Commodore shall be a member of all committees ex-officer.
SECTION 2.  Vice-Commodore  -   In addition to duties as described in Article VII, SECTION 1, the Vice-Commodore will serve as the Bar Chairman (11/3/90).
SECTION 3.  Secretary  -  It shall be the duty of the  Secretary to give notice to all members of all meetings called by the Commodore as provided in the By-Laws to notify members to their election, expulsion, suspension or acceptance of their resignation, to keep a correct roll of members, to keep record of the proceedings of all the meetings of the Club. He or she shall conduct all correspondence for the Club.
SECTION 4.  Membership Committee - The duties of this committee shall be to secure members of the Club, to pass on all applications, and to present recommendations to the board of directors regarding the desirability of the applicant for membership.
SECTION 5.  Recreation Chairman - The Recreation Chairman shall arrange for and manage such things as outings, runs, picnics, and other entertainment of social nature as will in their judgment be enjoyed by the membership subject to the approval of the board of directors (11/3/90).
SECTION 6.  Treasurer - The Treasurer shall collect all dues, shall be custodial of all Club funds, except the recreation fund, and make disbursements only as prescribed for in these By-Laws.
SECTION 7.  Lagoon Chairman  -  The Lagoon Chairman will direct the activities of the Lagoon as set forth in the Lagoon rules and the record of electric meters. NOTE: Meters were once used for camping trailers now for boats in the water.
SECTION 8.  Clubhouse Chairman  -  The Clubhouse Chairman will take in charge the many duties of the Clubhouse and oversee the maintaining of the structure and its contents (03/14/76).
SECTION 9.  Clubgrounds Chairman   -  The Clubgrounds Chairman will be in charge of all equipment, parking areas, clubgrounds, the designation of parking of trailers, boats, etc. and the record of electric meters,  boat storage and trailer storage (02/14/76).
SECTION 10.  Island Chairman -  The Island Chairman will be responsible for all areas concerning the island. Will coordinate the proper maintenance of all equipment and the docks to ensure safety for all concerned.
Article VIII.  
SECTION 1. The Commodore and Treasurer shall sign all checks subject to the approval of the board of directors (03/06/04). They will make sure projects not started within a year of approval must be voted on again and approved in order to start.
SECTION 2.  All financial reports are to be audited as of the thirty-first (31) of December of each year.
SECTION 3.  A member desiring a leave of absence would be required to submit a written request to be investigated by the board of directors and subject to the approval of the membership. However, a member shall be a member in good standing for at least two (2) years before requesting a leave of absence (12/72).
Article IX.  Associate/Special/Widow(er) Membership
SECTION 1.  Associate Membership:  Any member of (10) years of continuous dues paying membership, may request in writing for an associate membership. The associate membership shall be liable for the amount of $150.00 dollars per year, to be paid in lump sum or in two (2) installments. First installment of $100.00 to be paid by January 31st. Second installment of $50.00 to be paid by July 31st. they will have the rights of a regular membership (04/08/95), 03/08/97), 02/01/11), (11/07/14).
            EXCEPT:  No holding of an office in the Club.
                           No voting rights.
                           No dock ownership.
                           No rights to any assets or property of the Club.
                           No membership or lagoon points accumulate during an associate
                             membership (02/01/11).  
SECTION 2.  Special Membership: Any member of 15 years of continuous dues paying membership, OR who is 62 years of age or older may request in writing for a special membership. A yearly fee of $10.00 would be assessed in lieu of dues and assessments (11/03/90), 11/07/14).
            A. Rights of Special Memberships:
                        1. Ripples subscription.
                        2. Unlimited Club visitation and all guest privileges.
                        3. Persons in this membership may feel free to join in club projects.
            B. Restrictions:
                        1. No Key Codes
                        2. No dock or boating privileges (except as a guest).
                        3. No bartending or handling of money behind the bar.
SECTION 3.  The widow(er) of any member will be liable for one-half (1/2) of the Club dues only. He/she will be exempt from work hours, lagoon dues, and any special assessments, If he/she wished to remain an active boater, or if he/she remarries, then the same obligation will apply to him/her as they would to any other member (11/03/90).
       Article X. 
WHEREAS, it is the best interest of the Shoreline Boat and Ski Club, an Illinois Non-For-Profit, of Ottawa, Illinois, (hereafter, referred to as Club), that in order to attract and retain the highest caliber of men and women to act as officers and directors of the Club, the Club ought to indemnify and hold harmless its officers and directors from liability and costs of suit related to causes of action filed against them for reason that he or she as a director or officer of the Club, and
WHEREAS, the Illinois General Not-for Profit Act. being Illinois revised Statues Ch.32, Sec. 101.01 et. Seq. allows Not-For-Profit corporations to indemnify their officers and directors from such liabilities, expenses.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to attract and retain the highest caliber men and women to act as officers and directors of the Club the officers and directors are hereby authorized and empowered to use and expend Club assets and funds to indemnify any person who is a party to a threatened, pending or completed cause of action or proceeding whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative (other than an action by the Club) for any liability, fines, expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) and to purchase on behalf of any officers or director insurance indemnification as allowed and such insurance may be purchased within the reasonable and accepted meaning  of Illinois Revised Statues Ch. 32, Se. 108.75 as it now exists or my hereafter be amended.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED  that this resolution shall not be construed as a binding requirement that the officers and board of directors always provide such indemnification or must mandatorily purchase such insurance but providing such indemnification and purchasing such insurance policies shall at all time be within the sound discretion of the officers of the Club and at all time exercised under the direction and supervision of the board of directors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED  that the officers of the Club are hereby authorized to present to the membership for their approval and amendment of the by-laws authorizing the indemnification and purchase of such insurance at the first proper and appropriate time which said by-law amendment shall be in a form as the officers deem best but that this shall be construed as an authorization only to the officers and shall not be construed that they be required to so if in their best judgment it is not in the best interest of the Club (11/3/90). If a project that has been voted on and passed at a regular meeting has not been started within a year, it will have to be voted on and reapproved by the membership (12/04).
Updated and Revised as Adopted March 9, 1997
 A variance granted in writing by the lagoon committee is not transferable and must be resubmitted to new dock ownership.   
A. Dock legs to be attached to the club owned walkway shall be at 15 foot intervals with 4 ½ hardened J bolts or 4 ½ inch grade 5 through bolt
B. Dock leg to be 18’ 0” long  and 40” to 42”  wide overall frame width
C. Frame designed with flotation to match the overall height of the walkway and not touch the            water while subject to both live and dead load (recommended flotation is either two 3’ x 4’ x 20” foam filled floats or 8 55 gal barrels
D. All new or rebuilt frames are to be constructed of minimum ¼” x 2” x2” steel angle or minimum 8” wall 1 ½” ID structural pipe or 1/8” wall square tubing bracing every 48”. Frame height to be a minimum 8” and a maximum of 15”. At the attachment end of the leg there will be two ¼” vertical plates or angle with a 2” flange for attachment to the walkway.
E. Docks shall be constructed so that barrels are not permitted to sink in the lagoon.
F. All wood covered legs and ramps shall be constructed of 5/4 treated deck boards or a minimum 2” x 6” treated dimensional lumber, both to be treated with a nonslip sealer and maintained in good condition (adding grout or sand to the sealer is acceptable)                        
             1.  Height: not to exceed 10 ft. above walkway
             2. Covering the opening to the back of the walkway
             3.  Length: not to exceed 2 ft. beyond length or leg
4. Only pole and fabric, gable or arch style canopies are acceptable. No hard top or flat                                        
             5. All canopies must be approved by the lagoon committee
G.   All dock repairs must bring dock to current requirements.
H.  As of November 1, 1987, no steel barrels are allowed in lagoon, river or on Club property
       by any Shoreline Club member.
I.   Bank poles will be attached where there is a specified place allotted for one
A.   Docks shall not be moved without the permission and approval of the lagoon committee, 
       also applies to dock spaces.
B.  Docks, according to specifications, must be in place by May 15th, unless the Lagoon
      Committee agrees to an extension of time, otherwise the space is considered open for        
      reassignment at the next March lagoon meeting. If a dock is in violation of specification  
       inspection a two dollar ($2.00) per pay fine will be levied against the dock owner until dock  
       is brought to specifications. The owner will be notified by certified letter within seven (7)
      days if dock does not meet specification at final dock inspections (04/01/89) (03/11/01).
All lagoon members must be paid club members in good standing
C.  Banks and docks must be in good condition and maintained in order to remain in good
     condition to allow vegetation to grow. The roots will help hold the soil from eroding . Dock   
     owners are responsible from the waters edge to the top of the of the bank in line with the  
     power pedestals. 
Do not use vegetation killers on the banks
F.  Boats using electrical service, heaters, air conditioners, battery chargers, deicers refrigerators or any other electrical device will have the power protected by a working ground fault interrupting device and employ an electric kilowatt hour meter.  
 Docks with electrical outlets or using dock lights will be charged a minimum fee to be determined by the lagoon committee
If applicable, any necessary repairs performed on a members dock will be done at the dock owners expense based on prevailing work rate per total man hours determined by the lagoon committee
 All docks to have members name on outside leg (4/1/94).
The lagoon committee has been given the power to rule over dock specifications and spaces located on the river side of club property. Docks on the river side of club property will be limited to 26 foot along the shoreline. Docks will be built perpendicular or at a 45 degree angle to the shore. Dock design to be submitted to the lagoon committee for approval with any variance requested
Dock owners are to provide proof of liability insurance with a minimum of $500,000, which
will be produced when the annual dues are renewed.
A.   Seniority
       1. Two points per continuous paid club dues, per year.
      2.  Space retained year to year as long as member remains in good standing and maintains
            his/her dock space and passes dock inspection (3/9/97).
       3. In the event of a member separating from the club, all lagoon rights are void and      
           accumulated points are suspended. If a previous member is readmitted to the club, the
           points will start where they left off                                                
       4.  When bidding for a space in the event of a tie, a drawing will be held by persons involved
B.  Openings
      1.  Member to notify lagoon committee when his/her dock space is to be vacant on a
           permanent basis (3/9/97).
C.  Reassignment
      1.  Spaces will be assigned at the regular March Lagoon meeting. At that time available
            spaces will be bid on according to points. No space will be assigned until the following
            March Lagoon meeting; a written request will be accepted with seniority rights
            prevailing, as an absentee bid
      IV.  FEES
A.   Due by the first day of February.
       1.  As of January 1, 1989, Lagoon dues will be fifty dollars ($50.00) per year for all members.
            1st installment due by February 1st, 2nd installment due by July 1st. A twenty-five dollar
            ($25.00) initiation fee is to be charged to any new member after this date, or any
            member requesting additional space (11/5/88).
       2.  Said Lagoon fee shall be henceforth incorporated into the annual membership dues.
B.  Visitors – first day free; thereafter ten cents ($0.10) per foot per day, with a maximum of
      fifteen dollars ($15.00) per week.
      1.  Above rates shall apply to cruisers, outboards, sailboats, and houseboats, regardless of
           size. Rates also apply to visitors using member’s docks with approval of said member.
      2.  Electricity; one dollar ($1.00) to visitors within limits of facilities. Special rates will apply
            to boats using heaters, stoves, or air conditioners.
      3.  Collection of above fees shall be performed by any Club or Lagoon member. Collections
            shall become Club income.
      4.  All dock fees void to members of visiting boat clubs during Shoreline Club functions.
A.   Loading ramp dock limited to fifteen minute use. Third noted violation requires appearance
       before board of directors.
B.   Lifting devices used to raise or lower boats in docks must be made of new (quality) material,
       a floating, self supporting unit, with little or no structural stress to the dock frame. The use
       of such equipment must be approved by the Lagoon committee (3/4/89).
C.   Rental of member dock to non-members prohibited except to overnight visitors. Fees
       collected become Club property.
D.  Any guest using the ramp must be accompanied by the member allowing him or her to use
      the ramp. The member will also be responsible for their guest and the parking of the trailer
      VI.  SPECIAL
A.   Lagoon committee shall act as clearing house for all information relative to use and abuse of
       spaces and dockside facilities.
B.  All complaints or any problems must be submitted in writing to the Commodore, who will
      call a meeting of the Lagoon Committee to act upon such correspondence.
C.  Lagoon Committee shall consist of the Commodore and six (6) occupants of the Lagoon, to
      be appointed by the Commodore in January.
D.  Ramp and Club dock to be maintained at the expense of Club and not the Lagoon.
E. All assessments and taxes, if any, to be paid from the Lagoon fund.

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